From: Jason S Birch 
Message-Id: <199603281700.BAA07585@decadence>
Subject: Re: PushMethod acceleration ? :)
To: mui@sunsite.Informatik.RWTH-Aachen.DE
Date: Fri, 29 Mar 1996 01:00:50 +0800 (WST)
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> If I initiate multiple PushMethod's in a short time (so there's not enough
> time for MUI to process them) only the first two or three Methods are handled
> correctly. The rest is simply dropped. To avoid this problem is use two

Yes, this has come up before. MUI uses a small internal array to store
PushMethods in. A list would be much nicer, Stefan. ;-)

> 2) define a global flag (let's call it "lock_AddEntry"
>    before I do a PushMethod in the subtask I make lock_AddEntry = TRUE;
>    The method itself has to make lock_AddEntry = FALSE when it's finished
>    After the PushMethod in the subtask I do a loop like this:
>    while(lock_AddEntry)
>      Delay(5);

This is analagous to how my system works, although I'm using

Basically I have a rendering task that does a heap of computation and
renders into an offscreen rastport. When it's finished a frame, it
sets a flag (Drawn) to FALSE, releases a semaphore, and does a PushMethod.

The main program, waiting patiently in its event loop, at some point
will be awakened by the PushMethod, which triggers the custom class to
do a MUI_Redraw() internally, which in turn obtains the semaphore,
copies the offscreen bitmap to the window, sets Drawn to TRUE, and
releases the semaphore. Then it goes back to sleep.

The rendering subtask, in the meantime, has done an ObtainSemaphore.
When it gets it, it checks to see if Drawn is TRUE. If so, it can
continue because it means the main task successfully copied the bitmap.
Otherwise it releases it, does a little Delay, and tries again, to try
and give the main task time to snatch the semaphore and do its work.

So, the semaphore is, in effect, protecting the offscreen rastport
(and the Drawn flag) - neither task can access or change it without
obtaining the semaphore first, and the flag is used to tell the draw
task whether the main task has had a chance to do it's job or not.
Most of the time (ie. almost always) the main task does, in fact,
manage to grab the semaphore immediately so the draw task doesn't
manage to steal it back again too quickly. (If I had any other work
that could be done, I would do it after giving up the semaphore to
give the main task even more time.) If the main task finishes quickly,
then when the draw task tries to obtain the semaphore it succeeds
immediately, so there's no penalty.

In your case, I'd do something like:

struct SignalSemaphore lock_AddEntry_Sem;
   ObtainSemaphore(lock_AddEntry_Sem);     // Grab the semaphore
   while (lock_AddEntry){                  // Main task completed its job?
      ReleaseSemaphore(lock_AddEntry_Sem); // No, release semaphore
      Delay(1);                            // Wait a bit
      ObtainSemaphore(lock_AddEntry_Sem);  // Try again
   lock_AddEntry = TRUE;                   // Set flag
   ReleaseSemaphore(lock_AddEntry_Sem);    // Give CPU back to main task

You can play with the Delay() value a bit if you like. The big
advantage of this technique over yours is that you may never actually
need to Delay() - if the other task has obtained the semaphore quickly
enough, your ObtainSemaphore() will block and return immediately the
other task releases the semaphore, lock_AddEntry will be FALSE, and
you won't be waiting more than absolutely necessary. The only reason
for the delay is if the other task hasn't grabbed the semaphore soon
enough, not to block you until the other task has finished. The
ObtainSemaphore() takes care of that.

(A while ago I played around with trying to use two semaphores to
indicate when the job was done so the Delay() wasn't needed, but you
have to be careful about deadlocks.)

> I know I should use MsgPorts instead the loop but I suppose it would make
> things even slower.

Yes, MsgPorts are slower. Semaphores are *very* cheap to use under

> The problem is that even if the MUI-loop of the main task
> is idle it takes a long time until the method of the class is initiated.
> So filling up a filelist this way takes a long time (in my opinion).

If the main task is waiting on a signal (as it will be if it's not
busy) and your task is running at a lower priority, then the
ReleaseSemaphore() will actually cause a task switch and give the CPU to
the main task right away, enabling it to easily grab the semaphore.

> Does anybody know a better solution - hopefully a faster one - than mine ?

Hopefully my suggestion will do what you want.

> Is there a way to enlarge PushMethod's "stack" ?

Yes - badger Stefan. ;-) He has said in the past that PushMethod
shouldn't be too heavily overloaded, however, for inter-process
communication - he recommends using private messageports for more intensive
stuff. In my case I just use it as a signalling mechanism to wake up
the main task and get it to send a MUI_Redraw to the custom class, and
I only ever send one at once (although there are 30-60 of them per
second). Never had any problems with it in those circumstances.

> Is there no support from MUI for the subtask to check if the PushMethods have
> been completed ?

No. You get a TRUE if the PushMethod was successfully pushed, but in
general you wouldn't want to be hanging around waiting for a
(potentially very long) chain of events resulting from your PushMethod
to be completed.

> Michael
>                            (Michael Neuweiler)

Hope this helps. Cheers,

From: "Stefan Stuntz" 
Date:   Fri, 22 Mar 1996 14:16:34 +0100
X-Mailer: IntuiNews 1.3b Beta 7 (2.2.96)
Subject: Re: Checked menu items and related windows (The palette problem)
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John HLB Tyler wrote in article <21199653.Amiga@>:

> Imagine if you will a menu of checkmarked items that when
> checked open certain windows. When unchecked they close the
> respective window and DISPOSE the window object. Let's call
> these window objects "palettes" although they are not palette
> class objects.

This sounds like a case for MUIM_Application_PushMethod.

Greetings, Stefan
From: "Stefan Stuntz" 
Date:   Sun, 07 Apr 1996 13:20:32 +0100
X-Mailer: IntuiNews 1.3b Beta 7 (2.2.96)
Subject: Re: MUI-REXX
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Marcin Orlowski wrote in article :

>   Is there any legal way to override default ARexx command with my own
>   routines.


Greetings, Stefan

Subject: RE: MUI-Application
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> [ Citation of --- ]
> >
> > Dnia 15-Maj-96   , "Olaf Peters" napisa=EE:
> >
> > > > who can help me with the new MUI-about window? I don`t know how t=
> o call.
> > >
> > > Quite simple:
> > >
> > >	DoMethod(app, MUIM_ApplicationAboutMUI) ;
> > >
> > > (Hope this is correct C - online translation from M2 :-)
> >
> >    DoMethod(app, MUIM_ApplicationAboutMUI, NULL);
> >
> >  would be better as DoMethod requires 3 args so most of compilers wil=
> l report error.
> Hmp, since when?
> Perhaps I do have corrupt system prototypes, but I remember reading
> something like
>    ULONG DoMethod(Object *, ULONG ID, ...);
> And btw, DoMethod(list, MUIM_List_Clear) works just fine and compiles
> without error on three different compilers (with prototype checking).

DoMethod(app, MUIM_Application_AboutMUI, window); requires 3 args => the
third arg is a window object to which the aboutwindow will be centered, or
NULL! This is explained in Autodoc of Application Object.

IMHO MUIM_Application_AboutMUI makes only a sense in a Notification like

	    DoMethod(My_menu-obj, MUIM_Notify, MUIA_Pressed, FALSE,
		     app, 2, MUIM_Application_AboutMUI, window);

or in a private custom class.

Willi Burkhardt

Subject: Re: About MUI
To: mui@sunsite.Informatik.RWTH-Aachen.DE
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You wrote with the subject "About MUI":

> Is there a way to show information about MUI by calling a method or
> something? Some programs have an "About" and an "About MUI" menu item. I'd
> like to include "About MUI" as well in my application.

Try something like this:

------- snip! -------
LONG AboutMUI_H(struct Hook *hook, struct Object *Obj, ULONG *FirstParm)
  MUI_Request(ObjApp->App, ObjApp->Window, 0,
    APPNAME": MUI information", "*_Ok",
    "\033cThis function could not be implemented\n" \
    "because of corrupt developer files.\n" \
    "\n" \
    "This is a MUI application.\n" \
    "MUI is copyrighted by Stefan Stuntz."
    hook->h_Data = AboutmuiObject,
        MUIA_Window_RefWindow, ObjApp->Window,
        MUIA_Aboutmui_Application, ObjApp->App,
    set(hook->h_Data, MUIA_Window_Open, TRUE);
------- snap! -------

hook->h_Data stores a pointer to the AboutMUI object, in case of
somebody trying to call the hook twice.


From: "Stefan Stuntz" 
Date: Thu, 11 Jul 1996 15:37:01 +0100
X-Mailer: IntuiNews 1.4 (28.6.96)
Subject: Re: Suggestion for next release
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> I need to add AREXX commands dynamically because I have tool plug-ins f=
> or
> my modeler and the program don't know anything at creation time about
> the plug-in arexx commands.

MUIs ARexx interface still sucks a little and is probably not suited for
big and complicated projects. In your case, you should better disables
MUIs ARexx handling and do it yourself.

Greetings, Stefan

Message-Id: <199607131537.XAA26110@decadence>
Subject: Re: ARexx deferred message handling
Date: Sat, 13 Jul 1996 23:37:35 +0800 (WST)
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> This is easy to do when one has direct access to the ARexx message port
> and its messages, but MUI appears to prevents such free access and
> control.

If you set MUIA_Application_UseRexx to FALSE, you should be able to
set up your own ARexx message port and do anything you want with it.
> Any suggestions would be most welcome.

Hope this helps.
> Thank you,
> Chris Sterne.


Jason S Birch                        ,-_|\ email: